Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Something I Worry About

This is not about travel, but it's something to worry about, and if you are of retirement age, it might be helpful.

You probably take medications on a regular basis. But do you count pills? If you order by mail, or at a drug store, there are supposed to be a certain number of pill in that bottle. I keep hearing of people who are coming up short. It may not be enough to notice, but one or two pills out of an occasional prescription. Suppose the prescription calls for 60 pills and you only get 59. Would you notice?

Where does the extra pill go? Most people who fill those orders are professionals, but if one percent of them are holding back pills for their own use, or to sell illegally, we have a big problem. There are crooks in all professions. We hear about doctors, lawyers, teachers, policemen and even preachers who get caught doing illegal things, so pharmacists are not immune to temptation.

Count those pills and if you come up short, grab that telephone.
