Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Sing it Willie!

It's time to get "On the Road Again." Don't forget the camera. Travel is the best therapy for retirement blues, and if you are retired, all of your weekends are seven days.

Travel is not all I do. I collect antique motor scooters (See http://www.scooterplace.blogspot.com) and Langley DeLiars. I spend a lot of seven day weekends working in the yard or the garden. But travel is my thing.

Fortunately, my wife/caregiver/secretary/editor/cook/bookkeeper/financial advisor/trip planner is also a traveler and we have visited all 50 of the United States, plus Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. We have traveled in Central America, Canada and all over the Caribbean. We cruise a lot, and have sailed the Inside Passage to Alaska and through the Panama Canal.

How can a retired teacher and a retired secretary afford all that travel? We have learned a few tricks, and some of them will be shared on this site. But take it from me. . . . traveling doesn't cost much more than staying at home.

If you want to read this blog in the right order, you must read this post and then move up. For some reason, the newest post is always at the top, and everytime I post, this one moves down.


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